The rarefied air of the high peaks.

Nov 2024 tour made possible by The Musicians Performance Trust Fund the BC Arts Council and The Burns Lake Arts Council As usual many comments on the high quality of the performances. I am so grateful that despite living in a small community, a concert was brought to us, that inspired me in my own musical growth. Thank you to the group of four who came all the way to Houston to perform for us. I loved the variety of the pieces that were played for us. Sincerely, Christine Bottger Burns Lake, BC

Mangani Tre Danze Latine
Beethoven Trio Op.11
Thursday, November 28, 2024 Simon Concerts 185
Nov 2024 tour made possible by The Musicians Performance Trust Fund the BC Arts Council and The Burns Lake Arts Council As usual many comments on the high quality of the performances. Our 5th-9th formal concerts of the year. Thanks to the MPTF and BC Gaming we were able to put on what has become an annual event that is part of many peoples Christmas. The beautiful church was packed with more people outside. Many wonderful comments about the performance. So nice to be part of another Alban Classical Concert concert where everything was beautiful together and in tune and above all musical. Our guest pianist Maureen Nielsen's sensitive and responsive playing was the icing on the Christmas cake. We spend many hours preparing for these concerts purchasing the music, arranging transportation and accommodations if needed, practicing our parts, rehearsing, finding venues and most of all looking for grants and sponsors all many hours of unpaid work for Erica and myself. You can help. If you enjoy these concerts ( and apparently this is the case)drop us a line at and let us and more importantly our sponsors know. Simon Cole
Monday, December 09, 2024 Simon Concerts 104

Northern BC

Concerts and Educational programs
Throughout the North a constant presence since 1991.

Houston BC

Burns Lake BC

Grassy Plains BC

Prince George BC

I'd just like to let you know how much I enjoyed your recent concert on December 20, 2024. I brought my 91 year old Mother who has dementia. She enjoyed hearing the Christmas songs and every time I see her, she mentions how she enjoyed the concert. The arrangements of traditional carols were really lovely and I was happy to hear songs done by the same arranger as last year. Thanks for making our Christmas season special. Yours, Beryl Nesbit
Congratulations on a great Christmas concert. I enjoyed your selection of Christmas classics, Mike Warr
I greatly enjoyed the music, it was beautiful and inspiring. We are looking forward to the school show in the spring. Ginger
I am so grateful that despite living in a small community, a concert was brought to us, that inspired me in my own musical growth. Thank you to the group of four who came all the way to Houston to perform for us. I loved the variety of the pieces that were played for us. Sincerely, Christine Bottger Burns Lake, BC
thanks for great concert today
I have been going to your concerts for several years and so very much love them! Thank you Janice Pearce
Bill Covington Wonderful concert last night! Great that your concerts can be offered free of charge thanks to sponsors
I was lucky to choose the recital at Trinity United Church yesterday on our first brilliant summer afternoon. Erica Skowron and Angela Alba treated the privileged few to a beautiful recital on piano, oboe and cor anglais, wonderfully varied programme, including a bonus, "Death swims in the water", a premiere performance of a new composition by José Delgado-Guevara.
These first efforts in playing in a small ensemble were very worthwhile, both musically and personally. Our group improved significantly in just a few months, and it was very rewarding to see that we could play well enough to bring some pleasure to the residents in some of our local care facilities.
We really enjoyed the Nov.9 concert -Rhapsody in Blue was wonderful!! Everything else was great but that was outstanding -
I embarked on learning the clarinet at 68years to fulfil a life wish to play a musical instrument in a group situation,
It's been absolutely delightful having music back in my life again!
Hi : Wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the concert last night. I met a young lady who had never heard of Gershwin,can you imagine that? Anyway, she’s young and was impressed with your rendition as we were and she is going to do some research on Gershwin. It was a lovely evening and thank you very much for it.
Very exciting and so transformative and positive! MT
I just want to say I have thoroughly enjoyed learning to play and hopefully you will be able to offer class again.
These first efforts in playing in a small ensemble were very worthwhile, both musically and personally. Our group improved significantly in just a few months, and it was very rewarding to see that we could play well enough to bring some pleasure to the residents in some of our local care facilities.
Alban Classical Artists Society kukstsewmc (Thank you in Secwepemc) for the beautiful performance! Ts'oo Yoh community and Aboriginal Housing Society Prince George are grateful for you taking the time in coming and performing for us.
Thank you to Alban Classical Artists Society for coming to AiMHi - Prince George Association for Community Living today for a #musicalnooner lunch time performance. Your musical trio played beautifully! Also thank you to those in the audience who participated by playing along as the percussion/rhythm section.
from the Cancer clinic: "Thank you for coming to the center to share your talents and expertise in music.  You have brought joy to so many people through the gift of song.  Thank you! Sincerely, Jolene Olson, Volunteer Services"
My name is Dianne Christianson. I spend a great deal of time at the Simon Fraser Lodge with my mother in law, who is a resident. Her name is Bunty Christianson and she is 87 years old. There are many organized activities at the SFL, but the one that Bunty looks forward to the most and doesn't want to miss is the music time. Although she enjoys the singing, she is particularly happy to play the xylophone. She always leaves the music lesson time with a smile on her face, and is delighted when people compliment her playing. I feel that the residents that participate receive a great benefit from this time together. I believe it is a wonderful asset to the Simon Fraser Lodge residents. Sincerely Dianne Christianson
Dear Simon, Erica, and Maureen Thank you for the most enjoyable concert at Grace Anglican church recently! It was great to see a full house and an appreciative audience. I appreciated hearing different arrangements of familiar tunes, and as always, consider it an honour to hear music that is so expertly played. I hope that you will continue to be supported by funders who continue to recognize the immense value of what you offer to our community. Best wishes for the holiday season, and thank you again. Alan Buswell Prince George BC